Real estate investing 101 : Financing

The world of mortgages has changed a TON since I first got into the business. So, in the interest of full disclosure, I have not financed a property through a traditional bank since about 2007. So, I'm not going to talk too much about where to get loans -- instead, I want to focus on the type of loan to get.

As tempting as it may be, DO NOT GET 30-YEAR LOANS. You will get soaked in interest for the first few years.

Let's take my little 2BR house that I bought with a $55k loan.

Years%PaymentLoan balance after 10 years

A 15-year loan costs $112 more per month (~$13k over 10 years), but after that same 10 years, the balance is a whopping $23k less. I almost never go over 20 years, though I have gone to 25 once or twice if I thought I got a GREAT deal on an appreciating property.

Keys to being a landlord →

About me

My name is Dan & I've been an active real estate investor since 2004. I also have a broker license in 2 states: Florida & North Carolina. I've seen the best of times (2005-2007) and the worst of times (2008-2010).

When in doubt...

  1. Be patient
  2. Don't be [excessively] greedy
  3. You can't win 'em all